If you’re like a lot of our first time patients, you’ve been suffering from pain for longer than you’d like to admit. Maybe you’ve been to your family doctor, have followed their advice, but haven’t felt much improvement.
You know it’s time to try something different. Yet you still might be a bit hesitant about scheduling your first chiropractic appointment.
If so, we understand. Even more than a hundred years after the establishment of modern day chiropractic, there are still people who are skeptical about the benefits of chiropractic care. These skeptics cite second hand stories they have “heard”, negative comments from people who have never actually been to a chiropractor — and even jokes from TV to back up their claims that chiropractic medicine “isn’t really based on science”.
Nothing could be further from the truth
In reality, chiropractic medicine has been subjected to rigorous scrutiny. Studies from around the globe have tested the theories of Chiropractic and, in an overwhelming majority, have found the principles sound. Furthermore, they have agreed that Chiropractic treatment is safe and effective.
But if you want evidence of the scientific proof, look at the studies cited (briefly) below. One piece of advice— you might want to have a pen and paper handy, because we think once you’re done reading you’ll want to jot down our phone number and book our next available appointment!
Effective Pain Relief Treatment
1994 – A study published by the U.S. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services endorses spinal manipulation for acute low back pain in adults in its Clinical Practice Guideline #14.
1990s – The RAND studies. An expert panel of researchers, including medical doctors, found that spinal manipulations are of benefit to patients with acute low-back pain. The RAND study marked the first time that representatives of the medical community went on record stating that spinal manipulation is an appropriate treatment for certain low-back pain conditions.
1985 – University of Saskatchewan. This study revealed that “81% of the 283 patients studied became symptom free or achieved a state of mild intermittent pain with no work restrictions after daily spinal manipulations were administered.
Higher patient satisfaction ratings
1993 – The Magna Report (Canada) overwhelmingly supported the efficacy, safety, scientific validity, and cost-effectiveness of chiropractic for low-back pain.
Additionally, it found that higher patient satisfaction levels were associated with chiropractic care than with medical treatment alternatives along with a potential for savings in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Faster healing time
1991- Workers’ compensation study. The study concluded that the median time-loss was 9.0 for patients receiving treatment by a doctor of chiropractic and 11.5 for treatment by a medical doctor.
Economical and cost effective
1991 – Journal of Occupational Medicine. A study indicated that costs were significantly higher for medical claims than for chiropractic claims; in addition, the number of workdays lost was nearly ten times higher for those who received medical care instead of chiropractic care.
1992 – Study / Commonwealth of Virginia. Study indicated that chiropractic provides therapeutic benefits at economical costs and recommended that chiropractic should be a widely available form of health care.
Chiropractic treatment delivers long term results
1990 – British Medical Journal Report. The report concluded that Chiropractic delivers worthwhile, long-term benefits in comparison with hospital outpatient management.
And finally…
1978-1980 – The New Zealand Commission of Inquiry. The conclusions of the report stated:
- Spinal manual therapy in the hands of a registered chiropractor is safe.
- Spinal manual therapy can be effective in relieving musculoskeletal symptoms such as back pain, and other symptoms known to respond to such therapy, such as migraine.
- Chiropractors are the only health practitioners equipped by their education and training to carry out spinal manual therapy.
- It would be in the public interest and that of patients, for there to be professional cooperation between chiropractors and medical practitioners.
Now…we believe this research should make a convert out of even the most die-hard skeptic. Hopefully it’s convinced you too! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to gid rid of your aches and pains faster and more affordably than you thought possible.
And remember that chiropractic can be a very effective treatment for conditions as diverse ADHD, Asthma, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sinus Infection, Knee Pain and other joint problems too.
If you have other questions, please contact our office and we’ll be happy to chat.