What your doctor won’t tell you (and what many don’t know) is that herniated disc surgery is only needed a small percentage of the the time. By reading this article you’ll learn about an affordable non-surgical treatment option that can help injured discs heal, and help you avoid potentially unnecessary back surgery .

Back Surgery not only involves certain risks, it also has highest failure percentage rate of all surgeries. On average, over 50% of low back surgeries (those involving the L5-S1 discs) fail to relieve the patient’s pain. They even have a name for the problem, Failed Back Syndrome.

How you may be able to avoid painful herniated disc surgery

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a safe alternative therapy with an excellent track record. Unfortunately the FDA frowns on doctors who make specific claims about the effectiveness of Spinal Decompression therapy, but we can tell you this–the vast majority of patients we treat in our office experience dramatic pain relief.

]In addition, most of our patients find this gentle treatment relaxing and comfortable. During the 20 minute therapy session, our patients lie on a specially designed bed that is attached to a computerized controller. Straps are then placed around the patients chest and hips. Next the computer is set to cycle through a series of gentle stretches.

It’s this cycle of stretches that is so effective in treating herniated discs, bulging discs or ruptured discs. During the spinal decompression treatment, pressure is removed from the problem disc.

To explain it in more technical terms, the treatment produces negative pressure within the disc. Over a series of treatments, the fluid that surrounds the discs nourishes, re-hydrate and plumps up the damaged disc — giving your your body a chance to heal.

Cost effective care

Not only is Spinal Decompression very safe, it is extremely cost effective. Although many people cite the average cost of back surgery as running between $6000 – $17,000, when you factor in the hospital and anesthesiologist’s fees, the true costs can be much higher.

This is much different from the affordable chiropractic care we offer in our Garland clinic. Many insurance plans cover spinal decompression therapy. For those patients with insurances that do not, or for patients who are uninsured, we offer affordable cash rates.

If you’re experiencing severe back pain or if you’ve been told you have a herniated disc and would like to learn if you’re a candidate for spinal decompression therapy, contact our office today. Dr. Mixon is a Garland Chiropractor who is specially trained to diagnose and treat difficult back conditions.