Scoliosis is a condition of the spine that affects millions of people worldwide. When a person has scoliosis the spine deviates and curves unnaturally, which can cause many unpleasant side effects, symptoms and, in some cases, life changing disabilities.
The normal spine is curved, but only as seen from the side. These curves, called the lordotic (Neck and low back) and kyphotic (mid back) are incredibly important to human health and wellness. Seen from the front, however, the spine is relatively straight with no curves at all. It is when the spine is curved here that the spine is said to have scoliosis.
image of patient with scoliosis
Scoliosis in many cases is mistakenly thought to be poor posture, but it should not be confused with something that can easily be cured simply by sitting up straight. Scoliosis is much more complex and can cause what most refer to as a ‘rib-hump’ in the mid back (thoracic spine) in severe cases.
How scoliosis affects the body
Technically a person has scoliosis when their spine is curved 16 degrees or more. This abnormal curvature slowly damages and distorts the spine, putting pressure on the nerves while it injures the discs. In time the spine will degenerate severely, which can cause severe pain as well as a range of other health problems.
For example, if there is a scoliosis of more than 70 degrees, the vertebrae and ribs will be severely rotated and misaligned. This can cause problems with the lungs and affect the heart. Left untreated, scoliosis can sometimes cause severe problems later in life.
Scoliosis tends to affect more girls than boys. Some people are born with the condition, but most people start seeing the physical changes during their early teen years. It is in these first few years that our Garland Chiropractor and chiropractic adjustments can provide the most help to change the spine and prevent the scoliosis from becoming more complex.